Take The Pledge
As a Water Watchdog, you agree:
- To maintain constant visual contact with the children in your group.
- Not to drink alcohol, talk on the phone, socialize or read while watching children.
- To keep a phone near the water for emergency purposes only.
- To remain by the water until relieved by a new Water Watchdog.
To become a water watchdog, please EMAIL US with the following information:
- Full Name
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
Then, keep an eye on your mailbox as a Water Watchdog Tag will be mailed to you at the address you provide.
Help spread the word on social media by posting a photo or video of you and the person you pledge to protect with #waterwatchdog to help keep people safe in and around the water.
We hope that you will also consider A DONATION to help keep people safe in and around the water.
If you would like to check the status of your Water Watchdog tag please contact us at INFO@ABBEYSHOPE.ORG